Animal Success Stories
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OH- Frank (MCR)
OH- Frank (MCR)

Working with Maine Coon rescue, many beautiful cats come in. When I saw the picture of Merlin (Formerly Frank), I felt a tug on my heart. His foster mom Susan realized he was not in the best of health and it took several months of unbelievable patience and love, but Susan got him to a place where I was able to adopt. He will be on medication for the rest of his life, but who is without issues? Lol

In early October my husband and I met with Susan to pick up Merlin. I have 2 other cats and was unsure of how Merlin would fit into my mix. At 1st neither cat wanted anything to do with him. Then my big boy King Arthur decided to give him a chance and now they like to lay in the sunspots together and they eat all of their meals together side by side.

Merlin’s favorite pastime is seeing who he can trip up by laying on my stairs (which he blends in with). Merlin is a complete love bug and we are so happy to be able to welcome him into our home.

OH - Cheyenne (MCR)
OH - Cheyenne (MCR)

Our family would like to thank everyone involved in the adoption process of our beautiful Cheyenne, Maine Coon Rescue only have the best interest in the placement of the kittens in their care, and for that we are so grateful! Cheyenne has had a rough start like so many, but through the process, they cared for her every need until she was healthy enough to go to her forever home! We were the blessed family that now have in our family, her adjustment was so easy and I’m sure it’s due to the wonderful loving care she received from her great foster mom! We love her so much, our vet told us we won the lottery, she has such a loving trusting personality! Thanks again to all the staff.

OH -Lyra- (now FINTI) (MCR)
OH -Lyra- (now FINTI) (MCR)

I had signed up with Adopt-a-Pet to get notifications for Maine Coons in 2020 when our 18-year-old cat passed, leaving behind a 10-year-old stray. If Maine Coon characteristics were true, this breed would provide a better chance of accepting and warming up to my husband.  Most of our previous rescues have been skeptical of men in general and he loves cats as much as I do. On 6/10/21 I received an email with pictures of nearby MC cats that met my criteria, any age and female.  I inquired about the female and went through MCR's application process.  After being interviewed, I was advised that the female had a bonded male sibling and they needed to be adopted together.  I was concerned about adopting another male but was assured that his foster history contained no adverse habits.  It only took a visit to their foster mom to see and know we wanted both of them. They arrived at their forever home on 6/23/21. Muffin (aka Orion) and Finny (aka Lyra/Finti) are two-year-old identical delights!  Finny is cautious but loving and Muffin is curious and into everything.  Finny prefers female humans (especially when I'm in the bathroom) but Muffin watches TV with my husband and they are never very far from each other.  They've also become Camper Cats who saw the mountains of West Virginia and portions of Lake Erie this summer. We appreciate how Maine Coon Rescue answered all our questions truthfully and had a thorough application process, including contact after the cats were adopted.  In our case, two Maine Coon cats ARE better than one!


OH-Orion (MCR) (Now Muffin)
OH-Orion (MCR) (Now Muffin)

I had signed up with Adopt-a-Pet to get notifications for Maine Coons in 2020 when our 18-year-old cat passed, leaving behind a 10-year-old stray. If Maine Coon characteristics were true, this breed would provide a better chance of accepting and warming up to my husband.  Most of our previous rescues have been skeptical of men in general and he loves cats as much as I do. On 6/10/21 I received an email with pictures of nearby MC cats that met my criteria, any age and female.  I inquired about the female and went through MCR's application process.  After being interviewed, I was advised that the female had a bonded male sibling and they needed to be adopted together.  I was concerned about adopting another male but was assured that his foster history contained no adverse habits.  It only took a visit to their foster mom to see and know we wanted both of them. They arrived at their forever home on 6/23/21. Muffin (aka Orion) and Finny (aka Lyra/Finti) are two-year-old identical delights!  Finny is cautious but loving and Muffin is curious and into everything.  Finny prefers female humans (especially when I'm in the bathroom) but Muffin watches TV with my husband and they are never very far from each other.  They've also become Camper Cats who saw the mountains of West Virginia and portions of Lake Erie this summer. We appreciate how Maine Coon Rescue answered all our questions truthfully and had a thorough application process, including contact after the cats were adopted.  In our case, two Maine Coon cats ARE better than one!


OH - Buddy-(MCR)
OH - Buddy-(MCR)

Buddy joined my tribe of felines as a foster “fail” and I could not be happier with his addition. He arrived at my home in December 2020 as a thin, very scared boy. He spent two months hiding under a dresser or in my closet while feeding him breed-specific kitten food due to the hoarding situation he had come from.  In mid-February, he decided to finally venture close enough for me to pet him once… and after that, he decided being petted was not that bad. Since then, Buddy has learned to trust more and more each day. Now he jumps on my bed and sleeps next to me at night, seeking out love and affection. He is also quite the conversationalist, trilling and chattering about his day with me. He has also affectionately been nicknamed Buddy the Babysitter as he loves keeping my young foster kittens company in their room. He became a permanent part of my family at the end of July 2021. He is such a magical boy and brings so much joy and fun to my family. He gives so much love and makes me smile every day. He has come so far from that first day and I am so proud of him.. and that he chose to trust me as well. 

Susan and Buddy

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